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"Face recognition" for both iPhone and immigration, the reason why Japan, the top technology, will be defeated by China as it is
One of the "biometric authentication", "face recognition," is expected to be used in Apple's "iPhone" and immigration at Haneda Airport this fall, so it is a technology that is attracting attention. Since the person can be identified by just taking a picture with a camera, the field of use is not limited to security, and the domestic and overseas markets are expected to expand several times in the future. Japan's face recognition technology is at the forefront of the world, but China is likely to be the biggest rival that threatens its position. There was a clear reason for that.
Economic journalist Atsushi Terao
Economic journalist Atsushi Terao
Economic journalist. Born July 1, 1959. He is a graduate of Doshisha University Faculty of Law. After working as a reporter for Shukan Gendai, NEXT, and FORBES Japan, he continues to write about economics and management.
- "Face recognition" that increases the number of adoption cases such as iPhone and immigration
- The market for "face recognition" is expanding rapidly both in the world and in Japan.
- Adopted one after another, synergistic effect when combined with robots
- Japan, the top technology, will be defeated by China as it is
"Face recognition" that increases the number of adoption cases such as iPhone and immigration
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"Face recognition" for both iPhone and immigration, the reason why Japan, the top technology, will be defeated by China as it is | Business + IT