
What should I be careful about when changing iPhone models related to SNS apps such as LINE? --Why iPhone that I can't ask anymore?

By mobilephones 13/03/2022 2893 Views

Currently, many smartphone users are using "SNS (Social Network Service)". As a tool to obtain information sent by the media and celebrities in real time, and as a communication tool with friends and acquaintances, it is now inseparable from smartphones. The iPhone is no exception.

As you use your smartphone, the amount of information stored in the SNS app will increase, but what is worrisome is the future of the data when changing models. I am also concerned about whether the talk data and incoming call history are included in the backup target. For iPhone users, autumn is the season for model changes and system updates, and I want to keep things clean. Let's summarize the points to note for each major service.

iPhoneを機種変更するとき、LINEなどのSNSアプリ関連で注意することは? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

First of all, Twitter. In conclusion, it's okay if you don't forget the user ID (email address or phone number) and password you need to sign in. All data associated with the user ID is stored on the server and does not need to be backed up. Even if you use a new iPhone, you can restore it to a complete state including the message (DM) history by downloading the app and completing sign-in.

Facebook and Instagram are similar to Twitter. As long as you manage your user ID and password, you can restore the original state without a backup. However, if you have two-step verification enabled, make sure you are ready to receive SMS (sent to your registered mobile number).

For LINE, data such as contacts are linked to account information (mobile phone number and password) and stored on the server, but talk history is not applicable. From the "Home" tab of the LINE app, open the screen in the order of Settings → Talk → Talk backup, and tap "Backup now" to back up to iCloud, so be sure to do it before changing models (iCloud) You need plenty of free storage). However, please note that the talk history can be restored only when the "Restore Talk History" screen is displayed during the account transfer work.

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